Melissa & Stan Proposal with help from their pooch!

“The day after Christmas we were preparing to host a get-together with both of our families,” Melissa says.

“I was busy cleaning the house and preparing some food, when I suddenly realized that I needed to take our dogs out for a quick walk. 

“Stan and I had three dogs at that time. Since then we have rescued and adopted another one.

“When I told Stan that I was just taking them out quickly, he got quite nervous and asked me not too,” Melissa recalls.

“I was so confused when he asked me to sit down, and look at Charlotte, our Pomeranian.  I had no idea what the problem was, but a thousand things ran through my head, like "What is wrong with her??"

“When I looked closer she had a ribbon tied around her collar with a beautiful Pearl ring on it.

“It was Stan's mother's promise ring from his father almost 40 years ago,” Melissa says.

“When I looked up, Stan had was down on one knee and said something, I can’t quite remember what, but I know he asked if I would spend the rest of my life with him.... and my answer was ABSOLUTELY!”

See Melissa and Stan's Wedding